Math Kitchen Parties 2020
The Summer Talk Series: Math Kitchen Parties 2020 is held on Thursday evenings, 8pm – 9pm Atlantic time, beginning June 18.
The Summer Series is hoped to be a light, informal way to give a snapshot of what some of our Atlantic neighbours are working on, and to provide an opportunity to connect with each other.
To keep it light, and to encourage “drop-ins”, short talks (say, 15 min or less) are encouraged, but are of course not mandatory.
Added twist: There is also encouragement for “musical guest(s)” for each evening, someone willing to spread some joy by sharing a tune. Moreover, as a summer, home-based, evening event, everyone is free to enjoy a beverage of choice while attending!
Call for session organizers: We invite members of the AARMS community to Chair/Organise an evening, which involves Chairing the session, and arrange the speakers. Available dates appear listed below with a “TBA” designation, and can be requested by emailing Tim Alderson (
Session 1, June 18, 2020
Organizer: T. Alderson (UNBSJ)
Danny Dyer (MUN), Pokemon in the City.
When playing Pokemon Go, trying to catch all the Pokemon in a big, grid like city is difficult, but can be discussed in terms of the watchman number of grid graphs. We present some bounds for these graphs, and argue that is better to play Pokemon Go on a toroidal space station. Gotta catch ‘em all!
Joint work with Jared Howell, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University.
M.E. Messenger (Mt. A.), Passing the buck: a chip firing game
Suppose a group of people sitting in a row, each take out their wallets and count their money. Then the richest person (or people), pass a dollar to their neighbours. Lather, rinse, repeat. We will discuss some of the dynamics of such a process and present a few results. We’ll also pose some questions and welcome solutions from the audience. This is joint work with Jared Howell, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University.
Musical Guest(s): Jason Brown (Dal), Iain Beaton (Dal)
Session 2, June 25, 2020
Organizer: Patrick Reynolds (UNB)
Danielle Cox, (MSVU), Source Sink Diffusion
We will introduce the diffusion process on graphs with the addition of sources and sinks. In particular, we will provide some results regarding the periodicity of the process. This is joint work with Todd Mullen (Dalhousie University), Shayne Breen (MSVU), Emily Wright (MSVU) and Jesse Preston (MSVU).
Tara Taylor (StFX), More Fun with the Sierpinski Relatives

Musical Guest(s): Patrick Reynolds (UNB)
Session 3, July 2, 2020
Organizer: Branimir Ćaćić (UNB)
Andrea Burgess (UNBSJ), The Oberwolfach Problem

This is joint work with Peter Danziger (Ryerson) and Tommaso Traetta (Brescia).
Stijn De Baerdemacker, (UNB), The Unitary Birkhoff-von Neumann Theorem
Birkhoff has shown that the doubly stochastic matrices can be written as a weighted sum over the permutation matrices of the same dimension. I will show that a similar theorem holds for unitary matrices with equal linesum, and talk about applications in quantum computing.
Musical Guest(s): TBA
Session 4, July 9, 2020
Organizer: Daniele Turchetti (Dal)
Jason Brown (Dal), Getting Back to Your Roots

Suresh Eswarathasan (Dal) , Number Theory in Quantum Mechanics

Musical Guest(s): Dorette Pronk
Session 5, July 16, 2020
Organizer: Danielle Cox (MSVU)
Gary Sneddon (MSVU), Modelling correlated count data-can I delete the zeroes?
Correlated count data with excess zeroes arise in a number of applications. We will discuss 3 motivating examples, and some approaches to modelling these type of data. Covid-19 may be mentioned, so be prepared. This is joint work with Tariqul Hasan and Renjun Ma of UNB (Fredericton).
Karyn McLellan (MSVU) , The Shooter’s Hill Decorative Tiles: Combinatorics as Art
This talk will explore some of the art and mathematics inspired by a mistakenly (?) placed stone tile on a terraced house in London. A set of 70 Truchet-type tiles are the building blocks for various art pieces, including an inkle loom weaving. In particular, we are interested in whether or not we can weave an overlapping strip containing all 70 tiles exactly once, and if so, how many such strips exist. Other combinatorial properties of the tiles are examined as well. Joint work with Eva Knoll(UQAM) and Danielle Cox (MSVU).
Musical Guest(s): Sean & Tessa Sneddon, and Bill Kidney (MSVU) .
Session 6, July 23, 2020
Organizers: Asmita Sodhi (Dal), and Rebecca McKay (UNBSJ)
Rebecca McKay, (UNBSJ), Tips and Tricks for Online Teaching
Many of us will be teaching with some online component in Fall 2020. In this brief talk, I will outline some tips and tricks for moving mathematics and statistics course activities into the virtual environment.
Open Discussion Session: 8:30-8:50
Session 7, August 6, 2020
Organizer : Connie Stewart (UNBSJ)
Youtian Hao (UNBF), Hierarchical linear model with power law function on transmission of COVID-19 in Italy: Modelling and regression analysis
COVID-19 growth data were typically collected from each region of a country, and the transmission rate usually varies in different area. By adopting a power law with exponential cutoff function into hierarchical linear model, it becomes possible to reveal the relationship between COVID-19 transmission rate and some regional level covariates of interest. A two-level hierarchical linear model is constructed, where the first level includes a PLEC function with Poisson link, and the second level incorporates parameters from level-one with regional level covariates. Modelling and regression analysis approach is implemented based on the model with Italian COVID-19 transmission data
Hugh Chipman (Acadia), Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
Many scientific studies declare a “statistically significant” result but then can’t be replicated. What’s going on? Can we no longer trust statistics? Is this the end of the world as we know it?
Musical Guest(s): Michele Millar (MSVU), Augusto Suarez Garcia (UNBSJ)