As a sponsor of the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (formerly MSRI), AARMS is able to offer the following limited funding opportunities to faculty and students at universities in Atlantic Canada:
Graduate Summer Schools 2024
The Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute ( will cover the travel and local expenses of 2-3 students from AARMS member universities to attend one of its Graduate Summer Schools (see the summer school flyer for more details). The rate for travel reimbursement is up to USD $600 for students from Canadian universities.
If a graduate student is interested in attending any of the MSRI schools, they should fill out this form. Also, their supervisor should send a very brief email confirming their support to David Langstroth (
The deadline for receiving applications and supporting emails is November 24, 2023.
Visits by SL Math Members
AARMS can invite SL Math members to visit and give a colloquium or seminar talk at universities in Atlantic Canada. SL Math provides partial support for the member’s visit (at present, up to USD $250). If you would like us to invite one of these members to your university please contact the AARMS Director. The list of SL Math members that may be available to visit is found here: Directory of SL Math Members
Travel Support for Attending BIRS Conferences and Workshops
SLMath will provide partial travel funding (up to a maximum of $750) for postdoc or ladder faculty members of Academic Sponsor Institutions to attend workshops at the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) and Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO). Funding is limited to US Citizens or Permanent Residents who are recommended by the organizer of the workshop. Please contact the SLMath Program Manager for further restrictions, at