The purpose of the AARMS Advanced Course program is to give graduate students and upper year undergraduates from AARMS Member Universities an opportunity to take courses online that are not offered at their home institution free of charge.
Students may be able to claim credit for AARMS Advanced Courses from their home institution using mechanisms similar to the AARMS Summer School. Students hoping to receive academic credit for courses in this program are strongly encouraged to consult with their home institution about this process before the start of lectures.
Table of Contents
Call for course proposals
We continuously evaluate proposals for AARMS Advanced Courses. If you are interested in participating as an instructor, please contact us.
Advanced courses by term
- Winter 2025 academic term (January-April 2025)
- Fall 2024 academic term (September-December 2024)
- Winter 2024 academic term (January-April 2024)
- Winter 2022 academic term (January-April 2022)
- Fall 2021 academic term (September-December 2021)
- Winter 2021 academic term (January-April 2021)
- Fall 2020 academic term (September-December 2020)
Frequently asked questions
From students
No, you do not. In order to obtain course credit, you need to consult with your someone home institution (e.g., your supervisor, academic advisor, registrar, graduate program coordinator, etc) about the appropriate procedures. If you intend to obtain academic credit for an AARMS course, you are strongly encouraged to inquire about the process at your home institution before the start of lectures. Please contact us for university specific advice.
If an AARMS advanced course is offered as a regular course at your home university, there is no need for you to enrol in the course through the AARMS website. Just enrol in the course using your university’s normal procedures.
If there are important deadlines for grade submission at your home university, you must let AARMS and the course instructor know as soon as possible (i.e., well before the end of the term). Last minute requests are sometimes difficult to accommodate.
When you enroll in an AARMS course, you are not enrolled as a student at another university. Hence, you are not automatically entitled to an official transcript from the home university of the course instructor. It may be possible to obtain an official transcript by contacting the other university directly, but AARMS is not involved in this process. Also note, there may be a fee associated with obtaining a transcript in this way.
If you need to withdraw from an AARMS course mid-term you should inform AARMS via email and let the course instructor know. You should also check with your home institution to find out about any local procedures.
You will receive via email a pdf certificate from AARMS indicating: your name; the name of the course; the academic term taken; the name and affiliation of the course instructor; and your final grade.
From instructors
Either format is acceptable. We suggest that you use the standard format for your university.
Before the start of the term, you will be given the opportunity to review the file of each student that has applied to take your course. These files will contain any academic transcripts the students choose to upload. The final decision about who to admit into your course is yours alone.
The answer for this is university specific. Please contact us for advice specific to your institution. (Examples of learning managements systems are Blackboard, D2L Brightspace, etc.)
AARMS courses should be designed to allow students from other universities to participate fully in the course. This may involve synchronous or asynchronous lectures, as well as a variety of hybrid learning models. As long as AARMS students can fully participate, the precise mode of delivery is up to you.
This is entirely up to you. If useful, the AARMS Zoom license is available for use by Advanced Course instructors.
Please submit the final grades to AARMS via email. It is not necessary to inform the home universities of AARMS students of final grades directly.