The traditional AARMS Summer School, in the years when it is held, invites highly regarded faculty from around the world to deliver graduate courses in the mathematical sciences and their applications. Our goals are to broaden the education of graduate students and to encourage promising undergraduates to continue their study. While, in a given year, a good number of students come from Canada, our School continues to bring to Atlantic Canada students from around the world. Indeed, the multicultural, international flavour of our School and the possibility of forming lifelong friendships and collaborations amongst people of different backgrounds and cultures is one of our School’s strengths.
Each course consists of a daily schedule of lectures. Grades are assigned and certificates of completion are issued to successful students. Since our courses are University level graduate courses, we hope that students’ home institutions will offer transfer credit for AARMS summer courses. Certainly, we are prepared to help students achieve local credit in any way possible. We cannot, however, offer any guarantees, and we urge students to investigate this issue at their home university before registration.
Given that our students have diverse backgrounds, courses are taught at the entry level of a typical Canadian graduate programme. Our courses cover a broad spectrum of mathematics. The AARMS Summer School will provide tuition and accommodation at no charge to the student. Depending upon the year, food costs are sometimes also covered. Travel expenses are the student’s responsibility.
Our summer school is modelled after that organized by the “Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria” (Inter-University Mathematics School) at the University of Perugia in Italy. We encourage students who have enjoyed an AARMS Summer School to consider applying to Perugia another summer.
2024 Summer Schools
In 2024 AARMS is supporting a set of smaller summer schools. Please follow the individual links for further information on external websites:
Diversity in the Mathematical Sciences 2024
Atlantic Topological Quantum Field Theory Spring School 2024
Past Summer Schools
- Summer 2023
- Summer 2019
- Summer 2018
- Summer 2017
- Summer 2016
- Summer 2015
- Summer 2014
- Summer 2013
- Summer 2012
- Summer 2011
Intended Audience
Graduate students and upper-level undergraduates thinking about the possibility of graduate studies, regardless of where you live, are encouraged to apply.