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Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Andrea Burgess (UNB)
January 26, 2022 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Mutually Orthogonal Cycle Systems
A $k$-cycle system of order $n$ is a set of $k$-cycles whose edges partition the edge set of $K_n$. We say that two cycle systems $\mathcal{C}$ and $\mathcal{C}’$ are {\em orthogonal} if every cycle in $\mathcal{C}$ shares at most one edge with each cycle in $\mathcal{C}’$. Orthogonal cycle systems arise naturally from simple Heffter arrays and biembeddings of cycle decompositions.
A collection of cycle systems is {\em mutually orthogonal} if any two of the systems are orthogonal. In this talk, we give bounds on the number of mutually orthogonal $k$-cycle systems of order $n$ and provide constructions for sets of mutually orthogonal cyclic cycle systems.
This is joint work with Nicholas Cavenagh and David Pike.
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