Hopf Algebras and Related Topics
August 11, 2025 - August 15, 2025
This workshop is dedicated to the recent developments in the theory of Hopf algebras with an emphasis on its many connections and applications in other areas of mathematics and theoretical physics, such as the theory of monoidal categories, enumerative geometry and Schubert calculus, equivariant cohomology, combinatorics and combinatorial identities, actions and coactions on algebras, conformal and topological field theory as well as renormalization theory.
This event will continue the successful collaboration of the Atlantic Algebra Centre (AAC) and the Network of Ontario Lie Theorists (NOLT). There will be several introductory mini-courses and research talks given by senior researchers as well as short communications by researchers at early career stages. The major purpose of the workshop is to bring leading experts and younger scholars together, hence providing a unique opportunity for the latter to advertise their results and to learn from the experts.