Thematic Program “Mathematical Foundations of Data Science”
May 5, 2025 - June 30, 2025
The rise of big data has caused a tectonic shift in the field of data science, opening up new possibilities but also coming with new challenges, such as the curse of dimensionality. These changes have revived old ideas and inspired new approaches in many areas of applied mathematics. Some of the most fascinating and impactful developments are now taking place at the interface of optimization, probability theory, numerical analysis, approximation theory and their interplay with machine and statistical learning. Motivated by this recent transformations, our thematic program will bring together established researchers as well as students and postdocs to learn about the most recent trends in the field, share emerging ideas and foster new collaborations. The main activities of the program will be five workshops and one spring school. The program will also host several long-term visitors and two Aisenstadt Chairs that will deliver distinguished lectures.