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August 2022
Symmetry, Invariants, and their Applications: A Celebration of Peter Olver’s 70th Birthday
This is a proposal for a workshop on symmetry, invariants, and their applications in celebration of Peter Olver's 70th birthday. Transformation and groups are an omnipresent concept in nature, science, and art. Many biological, chemical, physical, or man-made structures exhibit symmetries as a fundamental design principle or as an essential aspect of their functioning. Symmetry groups also occur in a wide variety of modern applications including computer vision, archaeology, numerical integration, and neural networks, differential equations, geometry, and applied mathematics.…
Find out more »Intersection of Microlocal Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, and Inverse Problems: A conference in honor of Allan Greenleaf
The objective of the conference is to bring together an international group of experts in three areas: microlocal analysis, inverse problems and harmonic analysis. There will be 19 internationally recognized researchers in those subjects, each invited to give a lecture. There has recently been great progress in all these areas, with mutual benefits, and no end in sight. With this conference we hope to foster interaction and collaboration among speakers and other participants from the three different areas. Furthermore, the…
Find out more »34th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
The Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG) is a forum to disseminate and discuss theoretical and applied results in discrete and computational geometry. Computational geometry is concerned with the design of efficient algorithms, the development of software, and the study of the mathematical foundations of computational problems whose formulation involves geometric constraints. The field is motivated by problems from a broad range of application areas, as diverse as computer graphics and animation, computer vision, computer-aided design and manufacturing, geographic information…
Find out more »October 2022
Science Atlantic Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science Conference
The Science Atlantic Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science Conference is held each October and provides an opportunity for students to present their research and to learn about other undergraduate research projects across the region in a supportive and inclusive environment. Undergraduate students are also able to participate in team-based mathematics and programming competitions. The conference additionally provides a valuable opportunity for undergraduate students to meet potential graduate supervisors, and is the only venue for faculty members from across Atlantic Canada…
Find out more »November 2022
University of New Brunswick Data Challenge 2022
The Data Challenge will bring together three competitive events, Data Visualization (7th Annual), Data Analytics (3rd Annual), and Data Sprint (3rd Annual) on Nov. 18, 2022, in a hybrid format - virtually and in person! Take up the challenge and demonstrate the power of data, with the flexibility to take part remotely. Participants and teams will have the chance to showcase their ability to tell a story driven by data in three unique competitive formats. Teams can participate in all…
Find out more »January 2023
The 19th Seminar on Commutative Algebra and related topics
Every year the school of mathematics of IPM-Tehran organizes a seminar and workshop to introduce the research topics in the main streams of "Algebraic Geometry, Commutative algebra and Combinatorial commutative algebra" to young researchers and PhD students, and encourage them to collaborate in teams led by well-known mathematicians in this area. This year we have paid special attention to inviting regional speakers, as well as international leaders. Our list of speakers highlights female mathematicians, and the areas represented are those…
Find out more »May 2023
Topological Quantum Field Theory Spring School
Topological Quantum Field Theory lives at the intersection of category theory, algebraic topology, representation theory, and theoretical physics. Physically, TQFTs describe and control the symmetries of quantum systems, including quantum symmetries, anomalous symmetries, and higher-form symmetries. Mathematically, TQFTs provide a dictionary between manifold topology and structures in representation theory, and as such allow computations and results to move between these separate fields. This school, aimed at math PhD students from Atlantic Canada, will consist of three 5-hour minicourses related to…
Find out more »June 2023
Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics conference
The Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics (CanaDAM) is the pre-eminent conference in its area in Canada. It has been held every two years since its founding in 2009. The general topic of the conference is the theory and application of discrete structures; the goal is to highlight the most salient trends in the field. CanaDAM will bring together researchers from the various disciplines with which discrete and algorithmic mathematics interact. Particular areas of interest include graphs and digraphs, hypergraphs, matroids,…
Find out more »Theory Canada 15
Theory Canada is an annual meeting which brings together Canadian theorists from across the country in order to foster collaborations and exchange of ideas across the disciplines of theoretical physics. It is organized by the Division of Theoretical Physics of the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP). Theory Canada 15 will be held at Mount Allison University from June 16-18, 2023, just before the main CAP meeting which will be in Fredericton.
Find out more »July 2023
29th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers. The 29th WoLLIC will be held at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, July 11–14, 2023. The conference typically covers the following topics: foundations of computing, programming and Artificial Intelligence (AI); novel computation models and paradigms; broad notions of proof and belief; proof mining, type theory,…
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