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January 2021
Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr. Hugh Thomas, UQAM
Dynamical algebraic combinatorics and independence sets of graphs Dynamical algebraic combinatorics is a relatively new (and fun!) topic, which looks at cyclic group actions on objects from algebraic combinatorics, inspired by some questions coming from dynamical systems. I will give an introduction to the area, focusing on an action I have defined with Nathan Williams on the independent sets of a graph (arXiv:1805.00815). We also construct a partial order on the set of independent sets of a graph, which may…
Find out more »Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Jordan Barrett, PhD Candidate, McGill University
The Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar series will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 ADT online via zoom. The talks, provided by researchers, postdocs and graduate students, will be on a variety of current topics in graph theory. If you would like to give a talk or attend, please email one of the organizers (Jason Brown and Danielle Cox).
Find out more »February 2021
Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr Anthony Bonato, Ryerson University
The localization game played on graph Graph searching investigates combinatorial models for the detection or neutralization of an adversary’s activity on a network. One such model is the localization game, where pursuers use distance probes to capture an invisible evader. We present new results on the localization number of a graph, which is the minimum number of pursuers needed to capture the evader. We survey what is known and unknown for the localization number, discuss connections with the chromatic number,…
Find out more »Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr. Gary Gordon, Lafayette College
Permutations of finite subsets of R^2 generated by Euclidean distances Given a finite set of points S = {P1, P2, . . . , Pn} and a vantage point V, generate an ordering of the points of S by measuring the Euclidean distance from V to each of the points of S, ordering them from nearest to farthest. As the vantage point moves around the plane, different orderings will be generated. We are interested in the maximum, minimum, and intermediate…
Find out more »March 2021
Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr Jeannette Janssen, Dalhousie University
The Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar series will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 ADT online via zoom. The talks, provided by researchers, postdocs and graduate students, will be on a variety of current topics in graph theory. If you would like to give a talk or attend, please email one of the organizers (Jason Brown and Danielle Cox).
Find out more »Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr Nancy Clarke, Acadia University
The Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar series will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 ADT online via zoom. The talks, provided by researchers, postdocs and graduate students, will be on a variety of current topics in graph theory. If you would like to give a talk or attend, please email one of the organizers (Jason Brown and Danielle Cox).
Find out more »Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr Peter Danziger, Ryerson University
The Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar series will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 ADT online via zoom. The talks, provided by researchers, postdocs and graduate students, will be on a variety of current topics in graph theory. If you would like to give a talk or attend, please email one of the organizers (Jason Brown and Danielle Cox).
Find out more »Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr Danielle Cox, Mount Saint Vincent University
The Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar series will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 ADT online via zoom. The talks, provided by researchers, postdocs and graduate students, will be on a variety of current topics in graph theory. If you would like to give a talk or attend, please email one of the organizers (Jason Brown and Danielle Cox).
Find out more »April 2021
Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr Jason Brown & Dr Corey DeGagne, Dalhousie University
The Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar series will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 ADT online via zoom. The talks, provided by researchers, postdocs and graduate students, will be on a variety of current topics in graph theory. If you would like to give a talk or attend, please email one of the organizers (Jason Brown and Danielle Cox).
Find out more »November 2022
Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Sebastian Cioaba, University of Delaware
Addressing graphs and hypergraphs In 1970s, Ron Graham and Henry Pollak introduced the notion of graph addressing which is a labeling of the vertices of an undirected graph by words of the same length over the alphabet {0,1,*} such that the distance between any two vertices equals the number of positions in their labels/addresses where one vertex has a 0 and the other one has a 1. The minimum of length of such words has been investigated by various people…
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