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May 2017
Hopf Algebras and their Generalizations from a Categorical Point of View
Folklore says that Hopf algebras are distinguished algebras whose representation category admits a closed monoidal structure. In the mini course we will discuss generalizations of bialgebras and Hopf algebras based on this principle. Read the report
Find out more »2017 AARMS Workshops on Scientific Computing Software
AARMS (the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences), the AARMS Collaborative Research Group in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, the Centre for Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing at Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the Department of Mathematics and Computing Science at Saint Mary's University will bring students and researchers interested in scientific computing to a 5-day workshop in beautiful St. John's, NL, Canada. The meeting will consist of two independent workshops, a 2-day Software Carpentry workshop, presented by…
Find out more »Atlantic General Relativity 2017
The conference was in three parts all held at Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. On Sunday May 28 before the main part of the workshop, post-doc members of the AARMS CRG gave set of introductory lectures aimed at beginning graduate students. From Monday May 29 to Wednesday May 31, there was a workshop hosted by the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) collaborative research group (CRG) “Mathematical and physical aspects of black holes”. It featured four invited speakers who each…
Find out more »July 2017
AARMS Summer School 2017
During a four week period every summer AARMS invites highly regarded faculty from around the world to deliver graduate courses in the mathematical sciences and their applications. Our goals are to broaden the education of graduate students and to encourage promising undergraduates to continue their study. While, in a given year, a good number of students come from Canada, our School continues to bring to Atlantic Canada students from around the world. Indeed, the multicultural, international flavour of our School…
Find out more »March 2018
Tensor Categories and Topological Field Theory
The Atlantic Algebra Centre in St.John's is hosting a mini course on tensor categories and topological field theory by Professor Christoph Schweigert from the University of Hamburg during the week from March 5 to March 9, 2018. The mini course will connect algebra, where tensor categories frequently arise as representation categories of Hopf algebras, to physics, where topological field theories arise in string theory via the so-called topological twist. Professor Schweigert, who is a physicist by education and also the…
Find out more »June 2018
AARMS Summer School 2018: Data Analytics
The summer school is intended for graduate students and promising undergraduate students from all parts of the world. Each participant is expected to register for at least two of the four courses. Each course consists of three hours lecture sessions per day for two weeks. These are graduate courses approved by University of Prince Edward Island and we will facilitate transfer credit to the extent possible.
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