Summer 2012
The eleventh annual Summer School of the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) will be held in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, located in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, from July 16 to August 10, 2012
The summer school is intended for graduate students and promising undergraduate students from all parts of the world. Each participant is expected to register for two of the courses. Each course consists of five ninety-minute lecture sessions each week. These are graduate courses approved by MUN and we will facilitate transfer credit to the extent possible.
As in the previous Schools, four courses will be offered. The class schedule can be found here.
- Combinatorial Designs and Graph Decompositions Instructor: Darryn Bryant (University of Queensland)Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of graphs, groups and fields will be useful. For some topics, familiarity with these three areas will enable quicker assimilation and understanding at a deeper level.
- Probabilistic Method and Random GraphsInstructor: Pawel Pralat (Ryerson University)Prerequisites: Some background in graph theory and/or probability would be useful.
- Lie TheoryInstructor: Alberto Elduque (University of Zaragoza, Spain)Prerequisites: Good knowledge of linear algebra (including the Jordan canonical form) and familiarity with the concepts of group, ring and module.
- Hopf Algebras and ApplicationsInstructors: Nicolas Andruskiewitsch (University of Cordoba, Argentina) and Leandro Vendramin (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)Prerequisites: Basic background in algebra: groups, rings and modules.
Associated Workshop
This year’s Summer School will be followed by a workshop entitled Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras III, August 12-18 at the Bonne Bay Marine Station in Newfoundland. Please let one of the Summer School Directors know if you wish to also attend the workshop.
To Apply
The deadline for applications is 15 March 2012. To submit an application, please download and complete this textfile and return it by e-mail to one or both of Dr. Mikhail Kotchetov or Dr. David Pike at the addresses listed below.
Also, be sure to ask your supervisor or department head to send a reference letter which (a) clearly mentions your name and (b) comments on your preparation for the two courses you have selected.
Contact Information
For further information contact
- Dr. Mihail Kotchetov
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador
- Canada A1C 5S7
- Phone: (709) 864-7947
- Dr. David Pike
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador
- Canada A1C 5S7
- Phone: (709) 864-8096
Other Information
A list of participants in the 2012 AARMS Summer School can be downloaded here.
Here are some photos of the summer school for you to download. Click on the small image to download a larger version.
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