The Atlantic Graph Theory seminar series is aimed at the graph theory research community in Atlantic Canada, but accessible to everyone that is interested. The audience includes graduate students and postdocs, and we are aiming to have talks that are accessible to this audience. The seminar series is usually virtual, although there may be in-person lectures by local speakers which will then be broadcast to a remote audience.

Seminars will take place on Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 Atlantic time online via zoom. If you would like to give a talk or attend, please email the organizer.

Organizers: Jeannette Janssen (Dalhousie) and Isaac McMullin (Dalhousie)

Seminar Schedule

18/09/2024Hermie Monterde, University of ManitobaHow do we use graphs to transmit quantum information?
25/09/2024Kathie Cameron, Wilfrid Laurier UniversityRecolouring Graphs: Decompositions, A Dichotomy Theorem and Frozen Colourings
02/10/2024Josephine Reynes, University of WaterlooThe Martin Invariant and Other Results on the Interlace Polynomials
23/10/2024Peter Collier, Dalhousie; and Alexander Clow, SFUZero Forcing on Twisted Hypercubes; and Cornering Robots and Synchronizing Automata
30/10/2024David Galvin, University of Notre DameSome problems on graph sequences
06/11/2024Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil, University of ReginaOn the two table case of the directed Oberwolfach problem
20/11/2024Amanda Montejano, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Feasible edge-replacements and the family of amoebas
27/11/2024Iain Beaton, Acadia UniversityReconfiguring minimal dominating sets under a generalization of token sliding
15/01/2025Prangya Parida, U. Ottawa, and Kiara McDonald, U. VictoriaCover-free families on graphs; and Broadcast Independence in Trees
22/01/2025Ben Seamone, Dawson College and Université de MontréalRamsey numbers of signed graphs
29/01/2025Gary MacGillivray, University of VictoriaSwitching m-edge coloured graphs
05/02/2025Jane Breen, Ontario Tech UniversityKemeny’s constant for Markov chains and random walks on graphs
12/02/2025Robert Bailey, Memorial UniversityComputer constructions of distance-regular graphs with primitive automorphism groups
26/02/2025Karen Meagher, University of ReginaDerangement graphs and the intersection density of permutation groups
12/03/2025Ron Gould, Emory UniversityLooking for Saturation in all Kinds of Places
19/03/2025Ann Trenk, Wellesley CollegeThe 2-burning number of a graph
26/03/2025Danielle Cox, Mount Saint Vincent, UniversityThe Burning Number of Large Caterpillars

A listing of last year’s seminars: (2023-24)