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Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar: Dr Anthony Bonato, Ryerson University
February 10, 2021 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The localization game played on graph
Graph searching investigates combinatorial models for the detection or neutralization of an adversary’s activity on a network. One such model is the localization game, where pursuers use distance probes to capture an invisible evader. We present new results on the localization number of a graph, which is the minimum number of pursuers needed to capture the evader. We survey what is known and unknown for the localization number, discuss connections with the chromatic number, and give bounds on graph families such as hypercubes, incidence graphs of combinatorial designs, and Kneser graphs.
The Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar series will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 ADT online via zoom. The talks, provided by researchers, postdocs and graduate students, will be on a variety of current topics in graph theory. If you would like to give a talk or attend, please email one of the organizers (Jason Brown and Danielle Cox).