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March 2025
Mini course “Vertex operator algebras and their representations”
Vertex operator algebras have been a topic of interest in mathematical physics for several decades, as they constitute one possible approach to formalize physical concepts from conformal field theory. They have relations to several other areas of mathematics, most notably to the theory of finite simple groups. This specific relation lead in fact to the award of the Fields Medal to Professor Richard Borcherds at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin in 1998. Professor Gannon is the author of…
Find out more »Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar
The Burning Number of Large Caterpillars Danielle Cox, Mount Saint Vincent University Abstract: In this talk we will look at the history of the graph burning conjecture and the state of the art. We will also prove the conjecture for sufficiently large p-caterpillars. This is joint work with Kerry Ojakian (CUNY) and Margaret-Ellen Messinger (Mt Allison). Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86861499971?pwd=rTDAaju0TCu24asnaBGvkuNlT11KZ1.1 Meeting ID: 868 6149 9971 Passcode: 325258
Find out more »May 2025
20th CMS-UPEI-AARMS Regional Math Camp
For more than 20 years, the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (SMCS), UPEI has hosted a Math Camp for students in grades 10 and 11 from PEI high schools. The Math Camp is the SMCS’s primary outreach effort. Its goals are to give some of PEI’s best students an opportunity to broaden their mathematical horizons beyond what they see in their course work, and to encourage them to continue their math studies at university.
Find out more »Thematic Program “Mathematical Foundations of Data Science”
The rise of big data has caused a tectonic shift in the field of data science, opening up new possibilities but also coming with new challenges, such as the curse of dimensionality. These changes have revived old ideas and inspired new approaches in many areas of applied mathematics. Some of the most fascinating and impactful developments are now taking place at the interface of optimization, probability theory, numerical analysis, approximation theory and their interplay with machine and statistical learning. Motivated…
Find out more »Numerical modelling of layered complex fluids
Layered complex fluids, such as smectic liquid crystals, possess remarkable properties because of the geometric and topological consequences of layering: external forces lead to deformations of the fluid that are incompatible with the layering, leading to geometric frustration and the spontaneous assembly of a wide variety of textures. There has been a recent explosion of interest in exploiting the ability of smectics, as a paradigmatic example of a layered fluid, to repeatedly self-assemble over device length-scales. As we advance our…
Find out more »40th Annual New Brunswick Mathematics Competition
40th Annual New Brunswick Mathematics Competition for Grades 7, 8 and 9 The provincial New Brunswick Math Competition is a bilingual math competition that takes place in May each year. Students in grades 7-9 from across the province (approximately 1,300 students) attend one of five university locations to simultaneously write the one-hour math competition. There are three competition papers according to grade; each available in both English and French. Following the competition in the morning, students attend enrichment activities held…
Find out more »Calculus Instruction in Atlantic Canada Workshop 2025
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together high school and university instructors from across the Atlantic region to discuss evidence-based pedagogy and innovative instructional methodologies used in introductory math courses. From these discussions, we aim to better understand the needs of students in our region, and develop course structures and resources which address these needs in our universities and high schools. This year the focus topic is "Developing numeracy in students while moving forward in the era of…
Find out more »UNB-CMS Math Camp
With support from the Canadian Mathematical Society and the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton) hosts a three-day, two-night Math Camp. The camp gives a select number of Grade 10 students who are keenly interested in mathematics the opportunity to come stay on the Fredericton Campus, meet fellow students from across the province who share a love of mathematics, and enjoy solving challenging problems together,…
Find out more »Atlantic Topological Quantum Field Theory Spring School 2025
Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT) emerged in the 1980s in an effort to interpret quantum field theory through cobordism categories. Today, TQFTs play a central role in both mathematics and theoretical physics, especially in understanding global symmetries and the low-energy behaviour of gapped systems. This week-long school, aimed primarily at early-career graduate students, will feature three lecture series plus TA-led problem sessions, introducing students to cutting-edge topics brought together by TQFTs. Lecture topics will include fusion categories and condensed matter,…
Find out more »2025 Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference
CanaDAM is the pre-eminent Canadian conference in discrete and algorithmic mathematics.It has been held every two years since 2007, and has established itself as one of the main international conferences in discrete mathematics.
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