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May 2025
Numerical modelling of layered complex fluids
Layered complex fluids, such as smectic liquid crystals, possess remarkable properties because of the geometric and topological consequences of layering: external forces lead to deformations of the fluid that are incompatible with the layering, leading to geometric frustration and the spontaneous assembly of a wide variety of textures. There has been a recent explosion of interest in exploiting the ability of smectics, as a paradigmatic example of a layered fluid, to repeatedly self-assemble over device length-scales. As we advance our…
Find out more »Calculus Instruction in Atlantic Canada Workshop 2025
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together high school and university instructors from across the Atlantic region to discuss evidence-based pedagogy and innovative instructional methodologies used in introductory math courses. From these discussions, we aim to better understand the needs of students in our region, and develop course structures and resources which address these needs in our universities and high schools. This year the focus topic is "Developing numeracy in students while moving forward in the era of…
Find out more »Atlantic General Relativity 2025 Conference
The annual Atlantic General Relativity Conference (AGR) will be held at Mount Allison University on May 26-27, 2025. The Atlantic General Relativity Conference series of meetings has been a regular and annual feature of the Atlantic GR community for nearly three decades. This series of meetings focuses on recent developments in all aspects of mathematical relativity, numerical relativity, quantum gravity, string theory, gravitational waves, relativistic astrophysics, and cosmology.
Find out more »August 2025
Hopf Algebras and Related Topics
This workshop is dedicated to the recent developments in the theory of Hopf algebras with an emphasis on its many connections and applications in other areas of mathematics and theoretical physics, such as the theory of monoidal categories, enumerative geometry and Schubert calculus, equivariant cohomology, combinatorics and combinatorial identities, actions and coactions on algebras, conformal and topological field theory as well as renormalization theory. This event will continue the successful collaboration of the Atlantic Algebra Centre (AAC) and the Network…
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