Collaborative Research Groups
AARMS facilitates collaboration within networks of geographically disparate Atlantic Canadian researchers sharing common interests
Conferences and Workshops
AARMS funds a full spectrum of mathematical sciences conferences and workshops in the Atlantic region and throughout Canada
AARMS outreach events increase the mathematical awareness of young people, under-represented groups, and the general public
Postdoctoral Fellowships
AARMS postdoctoral fellowships attract talented young mathematical scientists from around the world to pursue advanced research
Summer School
The annual AARMS summer school provides training for local, national and international graduate students from world renowned experts
AARMS industrial problem solving workshops connect mathematical scientists and graduate students with Atlantic Canadian companies
Doctoral Thesis Award
AARMS invites nominations for two $2,500 Doctoral Thesis awards to be awarded in the Fall each year.
Graduate Scholarship
AARMS invites nominations for two $5,000 graduate student scholarships to be awarded in Fall each year.