A Collaborative Research Group (CRG) consists of Atlantic Province University researchers with common research interests who wish to work collaboratively. Members of a CRG typically organize intensive workshops, share PDF appointments, coordinate graduate training programs, propose and assist in AARMS summer school programs, jointly supervise graduate students, and carry out other activities supporting their research. The next call for proposals is expected in 2023. CRG research programs are expected to involve national and international collaborations that persist after the end of AARMS funding. CRGs are also encouraged to collaboratively seek additional external funding.
Table of Contents
Currently funded CRGs
- Advances in Statistical Modeling of Fisheries Data (2023-2025)
Administered by Asokan Mulayath Variyath, (MUN) - Applications of Commutative Algebra (2023-2025)
Administered by Sara Faridi, (Dalhousie) - Games & Graph Searching in Atlantic Canada (2023-2025)
Administered by Danielle Cox (MSVU)
Previously funded CRGs
- Developing general dynamic modelling systems and spatiotemporal models for omics data (2021-2023)
- Graph Searching in Atlantic Canada (2021-2023)
- Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras (2019-2023)
- Mathematical foundations and applications of Scientific Machine Learning (2021-2023)
- Numerical Solution of Geophysical Inverse Problems (2021-2023)
- Computational Aspects in Finance and Insurance (2019-2022)
- Dynamical Systems and Spatial Models in Ecology (2017-2019)
- Statistical Learning for Dependent Data (2017-2019)
- Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (2015-2017)
- Mathematical and physical aspects of black holes (2015-2017)
- Iterated Function Systems (IFS), Fractals, Invariant Measures and Applications
- Statistical Modelling of Complexly Correlated Data with Applications
- Graphs and Games
- The Atlantic Algebra Centre
- Dynamical Systems
- Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology
Call for Proposals 2025
Program Objectives
AARMS believes that groups of researchers with common research interests can benefit from sharing resources and coordinating activities. CRGs offer young researchers a larger community for growing their research program. AARMS also believes that the critical mass achieved by CRGs will help the Atlantic Provinces to recruit and retain faculty in the mathematical sciences, to attract postdoctoral fellows, and offer enhanced graduate student training programs.
AARMS will accept submissions from groups of researchers who demonstrate that they have common research interests and wish to collaboratively pursue some aspects of their research programs. The primary applicant for each submission must be a faculty member at an AARMS member university. Applications involving a single researcher from an AARMS member university are allowed; however, proposals involving multiple researchers from Atlantic Mathematics and/or Statistics departments are preferred. In addition, incorporating researchers from other fields is encouraged. The proposed research program should involve connections outside of Atlantic Canada and collaboration that will persist after the end of AARMS funding. The period of funding will be for two years, beginning autumn 2025. Current or previous CRGs are eligible to apply for funding.
Activities Funded
An AARMS CRG grant will specifically contribute funding toward activities that enhance the collaborative aspect of the CRG, including but not limited to:
- joint seminars, guest lectures, and workshops;
- travel associated with the joint supervision of students and postdocs;
- postdoctoral fellow support;
- graduate student support;
- undergraduate research projects;
- student exchanges; and
- travel to group events.
CRG funds may not ordinarily be used to pay an honorarium to a visiting lecturer. If compelling reasons exist for paying an honorarium, the CRG may approach the AARMS Executive Committee for permission. A request for permission must take place before any arrangements are made.
If you are uncertain about the eligibility of certain activities, please contact us.
Award Installments and Reports
AARMS will award successful applicants up to $50,000 per year, paid in two installments in Autumn 2025 and Autumn 2026. Applications from current CRGs will be expected to include a report on the use of current funding as well as research outcomes, including publications, seminars, new grants, and new partnerships with non-academic entities.
Funded CRGs will be expected to submit a detailed report at the end of Year 1 and a detailed final report at the end of Year 2. The second year of funding is conditional upon a satisfactory Year 1 report.
Administrative Structure
All CRG applicants must name a Primary Applicant who will be responsible for all communication with AARMS and who will, if funding is approved, administer the group’s accounts and prepare progress reports for AARMS. An AARMS CRG is expected to maintain a website with a list of current members, group publications, and past and upcoming events.
Application Procedures
- Letter of intent deadline: July 3, 2025;
- Full application deadline (by invitation only): July 31, 2025;
- Results available: September 1, 2025;
- Funds distributed: Fall 2025
Evaluation criteria
Preference will be given to applications that:
- are in alignment with AARMS’s strategic priorities;
- show evidence of research strength in the members;
- involve members from multiple AARMS member universities;
- involve (but are not necessarily limited to) faculty from Mathematics and/or Statistics departments;
- involve interdisciplinary collaborations;
- involve the training of highly qualified personnel;
- prioritize the inclusion of traditionally under-represented groups in research activities;
- present a convincing plan for committing all first-year funding within one year;
- present a convincing plan for future collaboration;
- present a convincing plan for securing or leveraging additional funding;
- involve concrete plans for coordination with other AARMS programs (summer school, postdoctoral fellowships, etc.); and/or
- involve national or international collaborations/members.
Letter of intent
Groups of researchers interested in applying for CRG funding should submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to AARMS by 11:59 pm (Atlantic time) on July 3, 2025. The LOI should include the following information:
- The name of the proposed CRG;
- The name of the Primary Applicant;
- A listing of CRG members from AARMS member universities;
- A listing of CRG members from other institutions;
- A brief description of the proposed research area;
- A brief description of proposed group activities and anticipated funds to be requested from the CRG, including tie-ins with other AARMS programs;
The LOI should be no more than three (3) pages long and submitted to the AARMS Executive Administrator via email in pdf format.
All LOIs will be assessed by the AARMS Executive Committee using the evaluation criteria listed above. The Executive Committee will invite several groups to submit full applications to be assessed by the AARMS Scientific Review Panel.
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their application informally with the Director of AARMS or with the Executive Committee ahead of the submission deadline if they wish.
Full application
Full applications to the CRG program should include the following information:
- The name of the proposed CRG;
- The name of the Primary Applicant;
- A listing of CRG members from AARMS member universities;
- A listing of CRG members from other institutions;
- A detailed description of the proposed research area;
- A detailed description of past collaborative activities (if any) of proposed group members;
- A detailed description of proposed group activities, including tie-ins with other AARMS programs;
- A description of plans (if any) to secure additional funding;
- A description of plans to increase the participation of under-represented groups in research activities;
- A one-year CRG budget showing all anticipated sources of revenue and expenses;
- Current CVs of proposed CRG members (Canada Common CVs are fine but not required).
Full applications (excluding CVs) should be no more than ten (10) pages long and submitted to the AARMS Executive Administrator via email (dll@cs.dal.ca) in pdf format by 11:59 pm (Atlantic time) July 31, 2025. CVs should be combined into a single pdf document.
All full applications will be assessed for scientific merit by the AARMS Scientific Review Panel. Final decisions on funding will be made by the AARMS Executive Committee.