Congratulations to Irfan Javed and Caleb Wellbourn Jones, this year’s winners of AARMS Graduate Scholarships! Irfan Javed is a PhD student at the University of New Brunswick, supervised by Viqar Husain. Irfan Javed joined the quantum gravity group at UNB
Winner of the First AARMS Doctoral Thesis Award
Congratulations to Dr. Abdalaziz Hamdan Dr. Hamdan received his PhD from Memorial University in August, 2022, under the supervision of Dr. Scott MacLachlan, for a thesis entitled, Finite-element methods for fourth-order problems and smectic A liquid crystals. A key goal of
SLMath (formerly MSRI) Summer Schools 2023
The Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (formerly MSRI) will cover the travel and local expenses of 2-3 students from AARMS member universities to attend one of its Graduate Summer Schools (see the Summer School flyer and the listing below for more details). The
AARMS-CMS Winter Meeting 2021 Poster Prize Winner
AARMS is pleased to announce that the winner of the AARMS Award for best student poster at the CMS 2021 Winter Meeting is Benoit Corsini of McGill University for his poster on Local minimum spanning tree optimization.
Introducing the Career & Innovation Hub
The Banff International Research Station (BIRS) is proud to host the Career & Innovation Hub in partnership with Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS), Canadian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIMS), Data Science Nexus, University of Alberta, University of
AARMS receives funding to combat COVID-19
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has recently awarded a consortium of Canada’s mathematical sciences Institutes $666,667 to fight the global coronavirus pandemic. The successful application to the Government of Canada’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Rapid Research Funding call was
AARMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop 2019
AARMS held its second ever Industrial Problem Solving Workshop (IPSW) from July 15-19, 2019 at the University of New Brunswick‘s Fredericton campus. This year’s workshop was attended by 64 participants including nearly 40 students, 12 faculty mentors and problem presenters