Theme: Algebra and Statistics
Time and location: July 21-Aug. 15, 2014, Dalhousie University
School Directors: Dr. Sara Faridi (Dalhousie) and Dr. Hong Gu (Dalhousie)

The summer school is intended for graduate students and promising undergraduate students from all parts of the world. Each participant is expected to register for at least two of the four courses. Each course consists of five ninety-minute lecture sessions each week. These are graduate courses approved by Dalhousie and we will facilitate transfer credit to the extent possible.


  • Gröbner Bases in Commutative Algebra
    Instructor: Dr. Giulio Caviglia , Purdue University
    Prerequisites: a first year graduate course in rings, ideals and modules, equivalent to Dalhousie’s Math 5045.
  • Homological Conjectures in Commutative Algebra
    Instructor: Dr. Hailong Dao , University of Kansas
    Prerequisites: a first year graduate course in rings, ideals and modules, equivalent to Dalhousie’s Math 5045.
  • Statistical Learning with Big Data
    Instructors: Drs. Hugh Chipman, Acadia University and Xu (Sunny) Wang, St. Francix Xavier University
    Prerequisites: Students should have background knowledge in introductory statistics, introductory probability, linear algebra and master some basic programming skills. Previous experience with the “R” statistical programming language is an asset but not required. The course will be based on the textbook “Introductory Statistical Learning by James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani”.
  • Spatial Statistics
    Instructor: Dr. Julie Horrocks, University of Guelph
    Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Students should have a good understanding of basic statistics and linear regression analysis. They should also have some experience with computers and familiarity with statistical computer programs, preferably “R” and/or BUGS.

To Apply

We are no longer accepting applications to the two algebra courses. To apply for the two statistics courses please fill in our online application form.

List of confirmed students on the algebra courses.

List of confirmed students on the statistics courses.

Contact Information

For further information contact

The AARMS Summer School in 2014 is co-sponsored by CANSSI and by the Fields Institute.